How do they do it? Despite graduation losses and the changing landscape of high school football, somehow Coldwater continues to win state titles - their seventh in 2020. No surprise, they're one of our nine area teams of intrigue for 2021 in today's Press Pros feature.
One of the most interesting people I've ever met, and one I'll certainly never forget. Roz taught me to appreciate psychics for their ability to do things you cannot understand. You just wonder how they do it.
The reigning champions in Division VII open fall camp on Monday with a fresh respect for who they are, if others are still wondering. Now New Bremen Cardinal coach Chris Schmidt hopes they understand, and remember, how they got there.
Following the headlines of the last week, opinions on the Cleveland Indians caving to political pressure over their iconic nickname - and Texas and Oklahoma crying hardship and saying they can't compete unless they leave for the SEC. So, how much money do you need?
An early investment of time by his uncle, and some hard-earned gear helped Zanesville's Solomon Curtis find a calling that brings him, and those he hopes will follow his example, a lifetime of peaceful satisfaction. Outdoors contributor Jim Abrams writes for Press Pros.