Considered too short in high school to play quarterback in college, UD's Jack Cook has proved he's no worse, and no less a prospect than guys like Drew Brees and Kyle Murray.
The guy you know the least about by season's end may be the one you know the most about regarding Dayton football. Running back Jake Chisholm is short in stature, but his productive skills cast a long shadow. Hal McCoy writes about him in today's Press Pros.
On media day for University of Dayton football it was hard to tell what coach Rick Chamberlin was more excited itself, or the new practice digs underway adjacent to UD Arena. Both portend to be pretty nice. Hal McCoy writes for today's Press Pros.
University of Dayton safety Brandon Easterling (below, in red) has his sights sets on football now, and some football later...and a PFL title in between to help make up for two years of lost time. Hal McCoy writes Flyer football for Press Pros.
They work out and watch as the rest of the Pioneer Football League plays spring football. But coach Rick Chamberlin is satisfied, if not impatient. The extra time will pay dividends for the football Flyers in the fall. Hal McCoy writes for today's Press Pros.