Sidney Legion's tough six-inning fight to take a late lead came to naught as a costly error and an unlikely home run (below) sends Grove City past them at the finish line in Friday's 16u play at Newton. Read local amateur baseball on Press Pros.
Bent on proving their worth, 15u players from the Miami Valley Prospects have their eye on 2022 as they play this summer in the Best of Ohio Series of weekend tournaments. What they found Thursday're never too young (Troy's Caleb Akins, below) to prove you belong.
The latest from those who read, have read, and whether they like, or not, they're reading...on state tournament(s) coverage, OHSAA tournament venues, youth baseball, and DeWine. Thanks for letting us know. Enjoy the latest edition of the 'TRS' (The Reader Speaks).
One of the smallest players in the Versailles tournament has one of the biggest appetites for baseball and competition. Lane Siefring, and Coldwater, take home the 9u title.
In an event full of names denoting athletic legacies, St. Henry 12-year-old Tate Boeckman shows the goods to take his place in a long line of family naturals. Read more in the latest Press Pros update.