The sun rises on the latest reader responses...on what 'I Will Follow Him' really means (if anything), should there be default state champions, the day Elvis died...and more. As always, we appreciate your support, and for taking the time to contribute in today's 'Reader Speaks' feature.
No sports to watch live, so Press Pros Readers have made the most of our recent posts. In this edition of TRS (The Reader Speaks)...they share opinions on the Corona sports shutdown, and the recent columns from Greg Hoard and Mark Znidar, among other topics.
The cancellation of the state basketball tournaments and some other sports opens a door for long-overdue recognition of standouts in a different winter sport...including a new state champion in Sidney, their first. Read more in the latest Press Pros inside feature.
Like so many other competitive activities, sports at the next level (Buckeyes baseball) is another casualty of the coronavirus. All dressed up for the home-opener weekend, Greg Beals (below) and his team has no game to play. Read today's Press Pros feature.
This edition of reader comments dealt largely with one topic - that of our recent post on mismatched blowouts in tournament basketball games. And the readers, pro and con, left little question as to their own passions.