A large response in recent weeks over fall high school sports...is it important for kids to have 'fun' (given the circumstances), politics governing sports, and the debut of the Press Pros Wednesday Night Huddle show. Read the latest 'Reader Speaks' feature.
If you'd like something different, or new, with your daily dose of Press Pros, you're going to get it...with a full-blown debut with coverage of area high school football and volleyball. Read more.
Tons of mail in the past two weeks, dealing with the issue of health and sports, priorities, 'faceless bureaucrats', and most of all...our collective frustration with lack of leadership, lack of truth, or the perception thereof. Check out the latest readers' comments.
The mailbox burst at its seams since July 7 with letters, especially those in response to Jerry Snodgrass being dismissed as Executive Director by the OHSAA. Too many to share them all, but here is a sampling….! Read more in today's inside feature.
Lots of first-time reader/respondents wrote to share their thoughts on...sports or Covid, sports and activism, summer baseball...and Hal McCoy and ‘grass roots’. Read what people just like you are writing to Press Pros in today's feature.