The most recent comments received on fall sports from Press Pros readers everywhere, questioning MAC football, the Friday night 'Picks' page, and "is anyone in Columbus actually reading?" Enjoy the latest installment of the 'Reader Speaks' page.
The latest from readers eager to speak on another high school sports season, high school football, bowling, athletes and media...and someone who couldn't find anything better to write about.
To our recent post about summer baseball, those who agreed and disagreed came out of the shadows to share their own views and experience on finding a better solution for those...who want to play without wearing a winter coat. Enjoy the latest comments from our readers.
Mid-summer and many of the locals are traveling while lots of first-timers from our audience weigh in on pouting athletes, Covid fear, community baseball....with some excellent 'first-timers'. Read, and enjoy!
Old photos never die, they just get better. And what people remember about old ballparks and old ballplayers is often better than the experience when it happened. Read and enjoy what someone sent this week to Press Pros.