They pitched, they caught the ball, and they played with confidence. But most of all, Brian Harlamert’s youthful Coldwater Cavaliers hit with abandon in league-opening win over Minster.
A beautiful day in April, and baseball-wise, Minster took full advantage, with a convincing win in their back fence rivalry with Fort Loramie. Read more about the Wildcats win, and their prognosis for the coming campaign, in the latest Press Pros Magazine update.
Cold Stare...Coldwater sophomore Jacob Wenning eyes a Liberty Benton hitter during his two innings of work in Friday's late-inning win over the Eagles. It marked the Cavaliers' fourth win in a row. Read more about the game in the latest Press Pros inside feature.
Close for a half, Delphos St. John could not keep up with bigger, faster Lutheran East in the second half. The Blue Jays fall in the Division IV semi-finals.
How good were they? Well, the Versailles Tigers pretty much made everything look easy, natural, in their semi-final win Friday over Eastern Brown. They'll play Gilmour Academy now on Saturday for their third state title. Read more in our latest update from the tournament.