The popular singer from the 60s had so many, in fact, that it’s hard to pick. But to many, or most, it was her first...and one that later stirred quite a controversy across the Atlantic when Cilla Black recorded it. The back story of one of the 60s most popular hits.
Opening weekend of the fall sports season met with a hopeful sigh from many...that we might have learned a lesson from last year, while being cautious that politics could still raise its negating profile. In the meantime area football could be as strong as we've seen in a generation.
Off and running...Marion Local got 333 totals yards of offense, and two-thirds of it from the brother combination of Peyton and Kyle Otte, to beat Division III Wapakoneta in the season opener, 31-6. Read about the game in Saturday's Press Pros.
What Dodgers' pitcher Mitch White did Wednesday was special, but the pitching mark he matched from sixty years ago led me to an even better baseball memory.
It was an honest, straight-forward question that a professional athlete should expect from a professional journalist. And from it tennis start Naomi Osaka revealed just how fragile we've become as a culture, regarding sports, mental health...just about everything.