As the playoffs begin, some words in response to readers’ concerns over ‘COTY’ candidates overlooked...and once again why I believe the playoff system is simply too long.
It must be a sure sign that the apocalypse is upon us...Latin 'rap' music to profile historical American figures and people standing in line to pay their hard-earned money (and lots of it) to hear it. Why can't Hillary promise free tickets for that, too?
Game three of the ALCS gave all the proof you need about why games take four hours to play...and why some of us go to bed dreaming about the way it used to be.
Saturday's Buckeye heart-stopper gave some readers plenty of reason to vent over the difference of opinion in two Press Pros columns...and I assume because they won!
You can’t find fault with the effort, and certainly the outcome, but someplace in the middle of Saturday night’s win the Buckeyes seemed to lose their way. Read the latest Buckeye post in today's Press Pros inside feature.