Watching it fly...Tyler Pettorini follows the flight of his second home run of the game, his ninth of the season. Unfortunately, it came in a 10-5 loss to Illinois. Read more in Sunday's Press Pros.
You can't win 'em all if you don't win the first...Buckeyes first baseman Hunter Rosson celebrates the final out in OSU's Friday night 7-5 win over Illinois.
Who are you going to talk to after Ohio State and Akron combine for 33 runs, 32 hits and use 15 pitchers during the Buckeyes 18-13 win? Certainly you don't talk to a pitcher, but in this case one stood out, Ohio State relief pitcher Colin Purcell.
A day after playing one of their worst games of the season, the Buckeyes reversed their performance Sunday in an important finale win over Michigan State. Hunter Rosson (above) struck a big blow with his home run in the sixth. Read more about the game in Monday's Press Pros.
For the second day in a row the Buckeye failed to pitched and paid a price. Michigan State hung 17 runs and 16 hits on them in a 17-12 series-winning effort.