At times, it was everything you expect from #1-ranked Coldwater, and then a hiccup that made them regroup. But it ended well…the Cavaliers play in Saturday’s final for their first title in volleyball. Vandalia, OH – God love Coldwater coach Nikki Etzler…because her glass is always half full. Playing for the privilege of competing for
With the ‘feel good’ games now in the rear view mirror, week two of the playoffs offer some outstanding matchups that mirror the way it used to be eight teams per region. There was very little justifying over some of the horrific Week 1 playoff scores in Ohio high school football. 68-0…58-0…62-0…62-0, again…75-14…49-7…48-7…and the list
Last year’s closer turns this year’s Friday starter hopeful. Former Miamisburg Viking Blaine Wynk smiles confidently at the prospect. It is one of the ironies of college baseball. Spring training actually comes in the fall. It’s called fall practice, and it’s where jobs are sometimes won, or cases for winning a job is at least