Neal Lauron's classic photo of Maurice Clarett's winning TD in OSU's national title victory over Miami is as iconic as the story behind it is inspiring...Bruce Hooley writes for PressPros....
All that we thought we knew about Day – always calm and only calls running plays because he has to – isn't quite what we've learned five games into a season when his team has yet to feature a consistent running game.
They played their best, as they've pretty much done since the start of the season. The #1-ranked Fort Loramie Redskins closed out the regular season Thursday with an impressive 3-0 win over Russia. Read more about them in Wednesday's Press Pros feature.
Were you surprised, shocked...let down that the Buckeyes 'only' beat Maryland by 20 points? A lot of people were, and mindless of the fact that the days of beating someone 63-7 are now few, and far between.
The Buckeyes junior quietly led the team in hitting in 2022, and vows to be a more complete player in 2023. Longing to earn an everyday defensive job, he's working to make it hard for anyone to not notice. Some fall Buckeye baseball in our Monday Press Pros feature.