Hal McCoy came to town...and Arcanum's Franchesca Hackworth (above), with Arcanum superintendent John Stephens (left), and principal Jason Stephan (far right), came away $2,500 the better, the winner of this year's Hal McCoy Scholarship for journalism and communications. Read more in today's Press Pros inside feature.
Our blog from last week on the state of amateur baseball drew swift response from readers in the area and from around the state...who took the time to share their own opinion on the state of a boys game that in the words of one, "is just too simple for the times." A second letter posted today, simply says, "selfishness and the pursuit of the almighty dollar will eventually kill high school baseball."
On the eve of the state baseball tournament in Columbus this weekend, we share the thoughts of a number of correspondents over the recent column on the subject of pitch counts in high school baseball. And if the rules makers are reading...they're going to like what they see. Comments from the tournament in today's inside feature.