It’s always been a tenet of our democracy, that being…the right to protest. But to the point where one group feels so self-important as to threaten that we can’t go on without them – well, I’ll leave that for you to decide.
Under the heading of humorous…..
I was forwarded something from one of the political websites yesterday, a column that appeared on Facebook claiming that Hollywood celebrities Miley Cyrus, Ed Asner, Rosie O’Donnell and George Clooney, among others, are calling for a “total” Hollywood strike until Donald Trump resigns.
Seriously? I don’t know. I’m always skeptical of the content of sites favoring the sentiments of either school of thought, liberal and conservative. I think people take both too seriously.
Of course, I’m not surprised by this kind of rhetoric as Al Sharpton said prior to the election that if Trump were elected he’d leave the country as soon as possible. I noticed Monday he was still in Washington, lending his perspective and “credibility” to the senate confirmation proceedings for attorney general. In an interview he actually said, “Americans take seriously a person’s words,” referring to the past words of nominee Jeff Sessions. Well if that’s true, Al, pay your taxes and leave.
As to the threat of a Hollywood strike, a spokesman for the group added this (maybe, who knows?): “Hollywood is, simply put, the base of the entire modern American culture. It’s the foundation of the country, so to speak, the glue that’s holding it together. Take Hollywood away and the house comes crashing down, right? Without Hollywood there is no America.”
C’mon, man….! Go back and read from Lincoln’s address to Congress in 1862, when he said, “We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we will save our country.”
But to the point in all of this, the words of Hollywood are endemic with those in America, whether you like Trump or not, that have always put partisan agenda ahead of what’s best for the country at large. We have since the dawn of the two-party system. Everybody wants their rights, everyone wants what’s coming to them…and it would be great if someone else paid the tab.
“We’re a country of empathy,” said one self-righteous patriot, quoted in the article (there are no names to take credit, by the way, if you’re wondering.)
No, we’re a country of empathy regarding family, neighbors, and people we know and love…the people we trust. We are, and should be, cynical of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Even the Bible tells that us that (Matthew, 7:15).
And alas, even in Hollywood there are those with a more reasonable perspective. Actor Denzel Washington this week reportedly said in the Hollywood Reporter (ahhh, a name): “We make movies. What we have is a gift. It’s just a movie. I don’t play that precious nonsense. It ain’t that big a deal.”
Meaning, I guess, that if Miley Cyrus and George Clooney do go on strike…the rest of us will be fine.
I’ve got Gone With The Wind, and Remember The Titans, and all the Clint Eastwood movies on Blu-ray. Go ahead…make my day!