Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel’s recent argument for mandatory public service on the part of high school graduates is another reason why people are fed up with mandates…and government.
Most of us are largely unaware of the rhetoric of politicians outside the sphere of our own representation.
That’s a shame.
Because Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel recently came out with the suggestion that would mandate every high school graduate in the country to serve a mandatory term of twelve weeks of national service, including time in the inner-cities…as an attempt to better educate the ‘haves’ as to the life deficiencies of the ‘have nots’.
Of course a lot of people will never hear of this, because the typical lean of our media will recognize the absurdity of such a mandate and protect the disciples of liberalization from further embarrassment and questioning pertaining to judgment and logic.
But is it any wonder that both presidential candidates have lost the ear of rational, thinking Americans? Based on the endless stream of such mandates and the cultural barrage of telling those responsible for paying for day-to-day America what they can think, what they can eat, what they can drink…and that you have to wear seat belts, whether you want to or not?
As further insight, Hillary Clinton said last week that half of those who support the anti-politically correct campaign of Trump were in “a basket of deplorables.” Those people, in Clinton’s view, were out of step with the ongoing agenda of taxation to support the Washington agenda, for questioning the closing of our borders, and for demanding character and truthfulness from its their elected leaders.
In short…most of us have grown tired.
Last week I got a speeding ticket, late at night, on the way home from an ice cream run for cherry cordial and raspberry chocolate chip. I’m sure you’ve been there. I’m less than a mile outside the city limits of Piqua when a young sheriff deputy stops me for 10 miles over the speed limit.
“You in a hurry for a reason?” he asked when he got to my window.
“Ice cream,” I assured, holding up the sack in the seat beside me.
“Excellent idea,” he said. “I’d like to have some myself. But I’ve got to see your license, etc., the typical speech. He could could not have been nicer!
After about ten minutes (and rapidly softening ice cream), he returned with my license and a ticket.
“You know I have to give you a ticket because you were ten miles over the speed limit,” he said, almost apologetically.
“That’s fine,” I said. “I’d like to go home and salvage what I can out of this.”
“And by the way,” he added. “Thank you for wearing your seat belt.”
It struck me as ironic, along with the melting ice cream, a rather empty ‘thanks for the obeying the law’ send-off. Obviously, something law enforcement is trained to say.
“I hate to burst your bubble but I rarely wear them,” I admitted.
He looked surprised, almost dejected.
“Mind if I ask why?” he questioned.
“To the independent thinker it’s just a mandate from government to fleece the public for money – revenue enhancement,” I answered. “Frankly, another freedom lost…the decision whether to wear them or not. Seat belts might be a good personal habit, but it’s not like drinking or texting. They pose no threat at all to other drivers on the road.”
“But you were wearing them when I came to the car.” he said.
“I put them on because you stopped me,” I confessed, tapping the sack beside me. “If it’s OK I’m going to continue my date with the cherry cordial.”
Understand, I have no issue with him stopping me for speeding, or even for giving me a ticket. He was doing his job. I paid it the next day. But to the officer’s empty thank you for doing what Columbus says I have to do – or pay a fine for driving unrestrained…that I question.
It’s simply an example of why government and the people who run for office have lost the ear and respect of the voting constituency.
People are sick of it – tired of being told what we have to do, what we have to share, wear, think and do for the sake of a changing social agenda that fails to represent those asked to pay for it.
As to Rahm Emanuel? Go find your own human sacrifices!