Our monthly review and more first-time readers than ever before took the opportunity to write and let us know their thoughts on recent Press Pros posts. As always we appreciate your taking the time, and your patronage.
Without question the recent post on the message from the movie ‘Concussion’ got a lion’s share of reader response since our last reader’s comments page. And surprising, as many from outside the Miami Valley as from within. The power and reach of social media continues to amaze:
“I will share with you that I read the story and was moved, as a mom and a football fan. You make such a good point about a commitment to know as much about brain trauma and CTE as we do about Alzheimer’s, diabetes and heart disease. I was impressed.” … Melanie Lynch
“Good job and fair. And I believe you when you say you don’t hate football.” … Bob Danforth
“I saw the movie when it first came to the theater. I have watched Sunday football for more than 50 years including Jim Brown and those great Cleveland teams. I truly love watching the sport but I anticipate watching games in the future with guilt knowing what’s going on inside those skulls with every vicious hit.” … Dave Parr (Beavercreek)
“My impression from watching the movie and reading your story was just how corrupt we’ve become, from government to the games we play. Everything is a coverup. Disgusting.” … Ken (Ft. Gay, WV)
“Sony can go to %#^&. And leave football alone.” … Name witheld
“Football is the only thing left where kids can hit someone and learn to take a hit in return. It is the perfect sport metaphor for life. Why question it?” … Keith (Westerville, Oh)
“You’re completely wrong on this. I know your readers want “red meat,” and you’re good at feeding the wolves. Concussions are real. The fact they weren’t considered real in the past should not counteract the current research on the subject.” … Tom Montgomery
(Ed. Note: Not sure I understand how you got the idea that we don’t believe concussions are real. That’s the point of the movie, that’s the point of the research, and that’s the point of due diligence in the future regarding whether to play football, or not.)
“I’ll make two points on your article. One, there’s nothing about football that you can actually change. It is a sport of speed and violent contact and where you have both you have occasion for tragedy, as with auto racing and boxing. Two, those who choose to play football must accept that head trauma is a reality and a possibility of participation. It is no different than the warning on a pack of cigarettes. Smoke at your own risk, and play at your own risk.” … Bob Cappasello (Washington, Pa)
Greg Hoard’s July 14 column on kids being scheduled out of summer baseball prematurely brought these responses:
“Mr. Hoard’s story that kids are forced to give up baseball for soccer and football is ridiculous. As he wrote, when I was young I played baseball with my friends any time we wanted, but we didn’t wait or ask to be supplied with equipment and opportunity. We just went out and played. The problem is there’s too many kids who’d rather do nothing until someone hands them a ball and a bat. If they really want to they can find a way to play baseball.” … Joe B.
“Life is full of schedules, Greg Hoard. But that doesn’t mean you have to follow them. Tell Sam to get off his butt and just do it.” … Gerry
“I spent a thousand hours throwing a tennis ball against the side of the garage as a kid and called it baseball. There’s always a way to play.” … Mike Strickland
And finally, guest writer Tom Cappell’s July 13 column on attitudes and deer hunting touched at least one nerve:
“The article on attitudes and deer hunting paints the picture of why so many people are dubious about those who hunt and call it sport. Kudos to Mr. Cappell for trying, but he’s preaching to the choir while the congregation sleeps.” … Dave Roth