Sophomore Chase Herrell has been the only consistent starter – 0-0 record in 17 innings, 4.24 ERA. (Press Pros Feature Photos)
The Buckeyes come home with a 1-8 record after three weeks on the road and some uncomfortable reality. They haven’t been good enough to beat good baseball teams, and four games this week with teams that look like them put them on the spot.
Dateline, Concern – When I got home from Dallas yesterday the mailboxes were populated with emails and social media messages from Don, Klarke, Steve, Rick, and others, all asking the same question: “What’s going on with Buckeyes baseball?”
“How do you lose with four innings to play when you lead Alabama 10-0?” wrote one.
Another asked, “You’re right there by the dugout. What’s going on?”
The perspective is predictable, blaming the schedule, the transfers, and the stripping of the roster that came with Bill Mosiello’s departure.
“Seriously,” wrote Don Motz. “Is there any hope for the Big Ten, once conference plays begins?”
Well, any opinion I pose has nothing to do with Bill Mosiello, although he’s the one largely responsible for the toughest three weeks in NCAA baseball. This is his schedule. But Mosiello has no batting average, no errors, or earned run average. Coaches don’t win baseball games. Baseball players win baseball games. There comes a time when you either win the moment or you don’t. And that’s what’s going on with the Buckeyes, because they’ve had their chances, the same as some other teams that I liked going in – Iowa (4-6), Nebraska (4-6), and Indiana (6-6).
It’s true that competition makes a difference.
Indiana has a lot of Fordhams and Mt. St. Mary’s to their credit, but lost to UNLV and Oregon State.
Nebraska has played, and lost, to Grand Canyon, LSU, and Kansas State.
Purdue, by the way, is 11-1, but got that way beating up Stephen F. Austin and Niagra. I love Purdue baseball, their coaches and facilities, but their non-conference schedule is apples and oranges.
And then there’s the Buckeyes’ schedule…Arizona State, NC State, Coastal Carolina, Alabama, Auburn, Baylor, and Oregon State. Uh…yeah! And Auburn is the best team I’ve seen, so far.
But now, starting today, the Buckeyes get a little taste of apples and oranges when they take on the 1-8 St. John Red Storm (used to be Redmen), from New York City…where they make that great salsa.
And then, the first weekend home series beginning Friday with Valparaiso, a program that’s 2-6 after playing Samford, Memphis, and Niagra. Everyone, it seems, wants to play Niagra!
So to the person who asked, “What’s going on down there?” Let me say this.
Everyone on that bench wants to win baseball games, and the seniors and older players took the weekend in Arlington particularly hard.
This coaching staff took it hard. Someone asked already why there were no quotes from Justin Haire following the eighth inning collapse against Oregon State. And I take responsibility for that. He was available, I spoke to him, and said, “Let’s talk later.” Because, his frustration supersedes yours and mine, and the issues responsible for 1-8 can only be addressed in one way. What’s to say other than a call for personal responsibility – be the man for the moment – as I wrote about last last Friday.
Baseball begins with pitching, and the pitching staff has been totally unreliable, starters through closers. With the exception of sophomore Chase Herrell (0-0, 4.40 ERA after three starts), there’s no consistency. That has to change, but no coach can change it. The only one who can change it is the guy on the slab with the ball in his hand. There comes a time when you have to rent a pair and be nastier than the guy standing at home plate. Baseball’s that simple, and baseball’s that personal.

Columnist Sonny Fulks writes OHSAA sports and Ohio State baseball for Press Pros Magazine.com.
And therein lies another problem. We’re not raising nasty competitors anymore. We’ve preached nice, and safety, and sportsmanship until the mindset of competition has lost its way. And in many cases baseball at this level is the first really competitive do-or-die moment young players have ever had…who never worried about making their high school team! And now, who’s ever played against Oregon State, or Alabama?
So this is a fish-or-cut-bait homecoming, and how they react to another 1-8 or 2-6 will determine a lot about how they play next week when the conference begins.
I believe in this coaching staff. But they can’t play. And those who can control the future – the season. It has to be that way. It might take buzzing a few towers, or in the old days it seemed like we got nastier after a good brawl, which is strictly forbidden now because, well, we’re just nicer.
But I bet St. John’s and Valparaiso have other ideas. Here’s two mid-major schools coming to Bill Davis and a win over Ohio State would be their World’s Championship. And there’s only one way to prevent it, and it starts with pitching. And with that, I think I’ve answered your questions.
Under the circumstances, 1-8 is all the motivation you need.

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