Fort Loramie coach John Rodgers celebrates match point, and his second state win as coach of the Redskins. (Press Pros Feature Photo)
First-time writers share their own opinions about winning instead of participating…the volleyball tournament…Sammy Sasso…a ‘real’ tax cut…and the writing of Ray Reilly.
It’s OHSAA tournament season, which means an influx of new first-time readers from outside the Miami Valley sharing responses to Press Pros content.
Including one who wrote to share: “I write to the local paper and they don’t publish my letters.”
OH! Well, we’ll check you out. And thanks….!
As a tribute to the growing popularity of girls volleyball, a lot of what we received revolved around the recent 50th OHSAA championship held at the Nutter Center (mostly) in Fairborn. Apparently, there was some confusion over what got played when, and where.
“The OHSAA needs to use the same site for the semi-final and final rounds for all seven divisions, even if it costs more [to rent the arena]. It’s an inconvenience to fans, and the fans are the ones who pay the bills.” … Tricia Cannon
“It was confusing.” … Karen Kohler
“Semi-finals at Butler and finals at the Nutter Center is awful! If playing on the big stage is part of the expanded inclusion experience, why limit the opportunity for those who have to play the state semi-final games at a high school? Figure it out.” … Jason Piccoro
“They need to find one site for basketball and play all the semi-final and final games at that site. At current prices they can afford it.” … James Westfall
On our November 11th column on why people play to win:
“A great article about why you play to win. Refreshing.” … Carolyn Whiteford (Via X)
“Nothing truer has ever been said: ‘Only in high school do they hand out runner-up trophies. You don’t see it at the next level, and you don’t see it in the business world. Employers don’t write checks for finishing second.’ There should be a plaque in every high school with that message. Love the site.” … David Haskins (Via X)
“Playing to win should not need an apology, or a PSA where you sacrifice winning the race to help someone who fell down. It doesn’t happen. You dream, you train, and you compete to win. Period.” … Tom Killilea
“Loved this article for highlighting the incredible impact coaches have on students’ lives. In Coldwater, we are blessed with amazing coaches who are true role models. Nikki (Etzler) is one of the best in the business, and our student-athletes follow her example – lead by example. I’m so proud of all our programs, and the volleyball team has just proven the power of intentional effort.” … Doug Mader (Via Facebook)
On our coverage of the recent OHSAA volleyball Finals:
“First-time reader of your site and was impressed by the quality of both story and photos of the tournament. Well done.” … Jonah Bartrum
“Did the fact of four of the seven divisions winning in straight sets have anything to do with the expansion to seven divisions and the dilution of talent?” … Ronald Wildermuth
(Ed. Note: Of course it did. There was simply no one in Division VII left to compete with the likes of Fort Loramie, or in Division VI (Coldwater) for that matter. And people were already talking about it before the season even began.)
On Bruce Hooley’s coverage of Ohio State wrestler Sammy Sasso’s comeback:
“It was nice to see wrestling on Press Pros, and particularly the story of OSU’s Sammy Sasso and his return to competition after being shot. Inspiring.” … Raymond Perdue (Via X)
(Ed. Note: Thanks for your writing. Nearly a hundred thousand read the story as it was shared on social media and to the Big Ten wrestling Twitter community.)
On the recent column about suffering through political ads:
“I’d love to have a real tax cut like $100 a week.” … Harold Cremeans
Regarding the contributions of outdoor writer Ray Reilly:
“I love Ray Reilly’s articles about hunting because the best life lessons I had were with my dad, who taught me about how to safely operate guns and how to hunt.” … Tim Wehrley
(Ed. Note: You should send your compliments to long-time sponsor Olde English Outfitters. They’ve now been with us through four different outdoor editors.)
“Thanks for the pheasant hunting stories. Loved the photos that look like Terry Redlin paintings (home page). Really nice.” … Ken Marko
“There was a time when Ohio was as good a state as any other for pheasant hunting. Now you can walk for months and not see one. Let’s develop more land and build more houses.” … Dennis Locey

The Dave Arbogast family of dealerships is the official transportation source for Press Pros Magazine.com.