Taking a moment to express my gratitude for those who look out for me…more than I look out for myself. We could all learn a lesson.
I want to take a few words to express my gratitude to the doctors and staff of Kettering Grandview Hospital for last week taking better care of me than I take care of myself.
Some of you know, but most don’t…that I had a heart procedure done on Thursday to correct a fluttering issue, and apparently the threat of blood clots that showed up after a Friday night football game last fall. I spent a day in Kettering Hospital at the time, and the last six months on blood thinners, just in case.

Dr. Sameh Khouzam of the Kettering Cardiovascular Health group.
And yes, I’m sure that there are a few friends and acquaintances surprised to find that I really had a heart!
But anyone who has had atrial fibrillation knows the drill…how they try to shock your heart into rhythm, and if that isn’t successful they put you on a drug to try and sustain that rhythm. But Dr. Sameh Khouzam, of the Kettering Cardiovascular team, explained to me – much to my not wanting to hear – that it wouldn’t be enough to ensure that there wouldn’t be more clots, and a possible stroke, in the future.
Last Thursday was the day when Dr. Khouzam did his magic to correct the problem, and I cannot be more appreciative of his expertise, his reputation…and the expert care given to me by the Kettering staff at Grandview Hospital.
Including Rhonda and Ryan, my nurses, who got to see more of me than anyone else would want to see.
I’m told it all went well, as well as from Dr. Khouzam, himself (countless times), that what you don’t know can hurt you.
And for a guy who’s never had anything wrong more than bad tonsils and a sore throwing arm, sometimes that’s hard to believe.
But I do now. We could all learn a lesson, and I wanted to thank these great people publicly for just how good they are. And for the record…may there not be any happy returns of that day.
Once was enough!