The latest from readers here and there, near and far…on coaches we missed for COTY, tournament basketball, Big Ten umpires, and are we still kicking the can down the road with spring baseball?
We obviously picked up new readership with the recent state tournaments for basketball, with a lot of the same opinions about topics familiar in west-central Ohio. But first, a comment about our 2024 selections for area basketball coach of the year.

Travis Swank can teach the game, and his patience for the process is enviable – a great hire in Versailles.
“I think you missed a great coaching job by not picking Travis Swank as your coach of the year (from Versailles). He took a 15-12 team all the way to the regional semi-final game with Preble Shawnee, and Preble Shawnee ended up going on to the Final Four. What did he have to do, Press Pros?” … Name Witheld
(Ed. Note: Dear Witheld, feel free to post your name in the future, because you didn’t mention Trump, and I don’t think anyone is going to hunt you down and protest in front of your house. Let me say this about Travis Swank. If I was going to make a four-hour car ride with an area basketball coach he’d be one of about five that I would want with me. And I’m sure that after 3 hours and 55 minutes of the conversation I would learn a lot about basketball. Swank is one of the really bright young coaches anywhere, and still reminds me of his days at Franklin Monroe as a player, grin and all. He can teach the game, his patience for the process is enviable, and he’s great with the media. And you make a great point about the Tigers’ post-season run. He had them believing in their game. Really a great hire by the board of education at Versailles when Scott McEldowney stepped down.)
On the state tournaments, boys and girls…..
“I’m sure you came home thinking that the state tournaments were once again a wrestling match and too rough. I’ve been waiting on the rant, but nothing. Mind sharing something now?” … Marc Sieminski
(Ed. Note: Because the Russia-Richmond Heights game was played on the first day of the tournament, I’ll give you a selection from that work of art. Somewhere there is a film of the game, and if you watch it you’ll see over and over how the Richmond Heights defense had two hands on Russia’s ball-handlers, pushing and steering them off course. In fact, they let everyone do it. The thought did cross my mind…if they don’t call this, why care?)
“Was there a team missing from the state tournament that you believe should have been there?” … Ken Marko
(Ed. Note: Uh, no…! But probably some unlucky ones.)

This upsets people in the stands, looks like steering, and it’s never exactly explained.
“You were right about Dayton hosting the tournament. It did seem like more people than the past, and the excitement level for basketball was fun.” … Jack Riess
“First-time writer. What difference do you believe that seven divisions will have on next year’s state tournament?” … Craig Waugh (via Facebook)
(Ed. Note: More games, and more trophies.)
On our recent sidebar about college umpires….
“I read what you wrote about what college umpires get paid and it’s much higher than I found online. You should get your facts from a better source.” … Dana Margolis
(Ed. Note: Better than a retired college umpire? Of course, if it’s online it’s gotta’ be true. But here are the heart-stopping facts. The Big Ten pays $2,550 per series, plus mileage. The Big 12 pays $3,700 per series, plus mileage. And the SEC pays $5,200 per series, plus mileage. Puts fillling pot holes into perspective, doesn’t it?)
“The umpire photo you posted wasn’t too flattering, like he was looking for a fight.) … Danny Burcham
(Ed. Note: Upon further review, we think we can do better.)
“I watched the Purdue/Ohio State game on Big Ten network and the strike zone did seem small, especially the high strike. Nothing gets called above the belt.” … Harvey Butcher
“Lay off the umpires. They’re hard enough to find as it is.” … Bill
(Ed. Note: That’s what they say about Leprechauns.)
“Another year and another year of kicking the can down the road over moving the baseball season to warmer and drier months. Will we ever see it?” … Tom Burch
(Ed. Note: Sadly, not until baseball can sell enough tickets to contribute to the athletic budget. And of course, when it’s 40 and raining sideways you’re not going to sell tickets to anyone. What’s best for kids really has nothing to do with it. It’s what’s best for the adults. But yes, you can see it in Iowa…probably the most advanced baseball state in America.)