Exemplifying the term of ‘selfless service to others’, this week’s Who’s Hot honoree has a most enviable record of service in a most unenviable position of leadership.
When retiring Ohio State Buckeye Diamond Club president Frank Fraas took over the duties a quarter century ago he didn’t know what he was getting into…or even, what to do?
“Bob Todd has just been named head coach of the Ohio State baseball team, and he came to me as asked me to take over the Diamond Club,” said Fraas this past week, during ceremonies to recognize his retirement from the position.
“I asked Bob what I was supposed to do, and he said, ‘The last guy didn’t do anything. Anything you do will be an improvement.'”
At the time Fraas, along with sidekick Herb Howenstine were doing radio together, as the voice of the baseball Buckeyes on Columbus area radio, AM 1460. Fraas also worked in central Ohio media, radio and TV. He had plenty on his plate – plenty to do without a volunteer position to largely raise money on the side. He did it, anyway.

The Buckeyes’ shining star…Buckeye Diamond Club president Frank Fraas (above, with club treasurer Jim Durham), announced his retirment this week after a quarter century of service.
Every successful organization needs that person who supports, gives without asking for anything in return, and Frank Fraas has been that for nearly a third of his life in the name of Ohio State baseball. The Buckeye Diamond Club is the unofficial, official booster club, for the Buckeyes, but unlike your local booster club the stakes are higher and more expensive.
The Diamond Club, in essence, has always been the source for the intangible and unexpected expenses that come with competing on a national level – facilities, travel, and in 2022, the installation of the gleaming new Letterman’s Plaza at Bill Davis Stadium, recognizing all of those who’ve earned varsity recognition as a Buckeye baseball player since the beginning of records being kept.
“It’s been a labor of love,” said Fraas, who’s never received a dime for his years of service, during which hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised to support the oldest varsity sport on campus…and one that exists on a shoe string budget in comparison to football and basketball at Ohio State – not unlike baseball at every other NCAA member school.
Golf outings, bar-b-ques, alumni days, membership drives, and yearly meet-the-team nights have been the responsibility of Fraas and a small group of volunteer board members – all the little things that go unnoticed…until there’s a need.
He currently serves, officially, as the Public Relations Coordinator for the Ohio Harness Horseman’s Association, a position that keeps him on the road, but close to his core skills and attributes as an organizer, and spokesman extraordinaire.
And for 23 years no group of its size, and function, can boast anyone more extraordinary for selfless service than this week’s Press Pros ‘Who’s Hot’ honoree…Buckeye Diamond Club President, Frank Fraas.
Peace of mind is as easy as the relationship you have with your local bank, and the St. Henry bank is small enough to know you, and big enough to serve you. The St. Henry Bank joins Press Pros Magazine in recognizing this week’s “Who’s Hot” honoree…Frank Fraas, from the Ohio State Diamond Club.