Response to the latest Reader Speaks column (April 25th) would appear to prove that if adjusting the season for baseball and softball isn’t finding a willing ear in Columbus…it’s the only part of Ohio where it’s being ignored.
On another morning where there’s no baseball to write about because a pair of principal games from Tuesday afternoon were again rained out…it seems appropriate to share that there are more in Ohio than just one writer from one website that’s figured it out.
That’s the people’s frustration, and even disenfranchisement by the Ohio High School Athletic Association over adjusting the spring season to better facilitate high school baseball and softball competition. Not only is it not going to happen, there’s no discussion!
But by sheer volume, awareness is at its all-time high. Since publishing the latest Reader Speaks column on April 25th ( there’s been a flood (fits the season) of face-to-face comments, texts, and emails from parents, fans, and yes…coaches…who’ve asked the obvious question in regards to why no one in Columbus (or your local school administration) is willing to even consider better conditions by adjusting the calendar.
“I’m sure someone’s aware by now,” said a coach this week. “That’s all you’ve written about this spring.”
Correcting him, I added: That’s all we’ve had to write about. Case in point, significant games were lost Tuesday because of the weather, including the Arcanum-Newton game, that would have been played on Newton’s artificial turf surface. Tuesday marked the tenth and eleventh times this spring where we’ve been frozen, or rained out.
One writer from Summit County: “Your post (April 25th) was shared with me by a friend in Columbus and I was delighted (shocked, actually) someone wrote it. If the climate’s changed, we have to change with it.”
Another from from Columbus: “This goes against everything the OHSAA says about respect the game?”
From Montgomery County: “Who can justify meetings about diversity when they can’t look out the window and figure this out. Thanks for thinking of the kids.”
Another: “Obviously, this isn’t going away.”
One more: “We need to change, including leadership.”
A coach from the Cleveland area shared his frustration recently.
“We’re doing all we can do. We’ve practiced inside now for 45 days. We finally got in our cars and started driving around Ohio looking for people with an open date, willing to play.”
But we also hear from those who say they don’t want to speak to school and OHSAA administration for fear of retribution.
“Don’t print my name,” one added. “I don’t want to get in trouble.”
Which is sobering for the fact of those who wonder, “who’s listening?”, or “is anybody listening?” But it’s infuriating when considered with a different perspective. Those people work for you. You don’t work for them!
To another reader, who casually noted that we’ve beaten the topic to death, I texted back to ask: “Would you rather we stop?”
“Please…no, don’t. We need this,” he texted back. “And you’re the only one.”
If you wonder whether anyone’s listening, don’t. A lot of people can look out the window and figure it out. Others…will never see!

Bats for every occasion, including ‘fungos’. Phoenix is proud to support Ohio high school baseball on Press Pros.