Reader postscripts from the state basketball tournaments and other recent topics. We’re always pleased to hear from you and enjoy some different perspective.
In the 11-year history of the Press Pros website and the state basketball tournaments, we’ve never had more readers, and more new readers, than we had with the recent girls and boys finals. And as always, we’re pleased to share some of the comments we’ve received since.
“Central Ohio’s loss is Press Pros’ gain. Delighted to see Steve Blackledge and Bruce Hooley covering central Ohio basketball. Apparently no one thought that would be a good idea in Franklin County.” … James Courtney
“Your coverage of the state tournament was the best available from any source. Don’t know how you guys do this, but certainly appreciate the effort.” … Tom Killilea
“While I appreciate the coverage and the attitude of tell it like it is, it’s time to give officiating a rest. It’s always been an issue with sports, and to infer that Worthington Christian lost to Lutheran East because of the officiating is not true. They weren’t as good as Lutheran East.” … Ken Marko
(Ed. Note: We won’t know if they were or not, just that there were two styles of play, and the physical style was allowed to disadvantage Worthington’s style of shooting and finesse. That much was obvious.)
“I saw the Worthington Christan-Lutheran East game and was reminded of your comment about evaluating contact when I saw it again in the Baylor-Connecticut women’s game. Lots of contact on the final shot, and it didn’t need much evaluation? Just blow the whistle.” … Ronald Perdue
“What p—-es me off about officials is them spending the entire game putting their arm around coaches and yucking it up, and warning players in the lane about three seconds or too much contact. Blow the whistle and just call something. Too much of a popularity contest. That’s how they get to the state tournament. First time writer, and I like your site.” … David Fischinger
“Poor officiating is not confined to the high school game if you watched the Baylor women’s game in the NCAA tournament. And one of the commentators said the officials ‘turned their back on the play because they didn’t know what to call.’ Another called it irresponsible, and that players and teams deserve better, especially at that level of play.” … Ben Belville
Some potpourri relative to other recent Press Pros stories:
“While I have respect for the MAC and its football legacy, I will watch with interest regarding your March 16 column about Minster (Division VI) coach Geron Stokes taking over at Dublin Coffman in the OCC. You seem pretty sure with your optimism.” … Bob Blanford
(Ed. Note: Lest anything’s changed, football is a game of execution and the element of adjustment. And don’t forget surprise. He’ll have no issues with any of them. I’m sure there were questions about Mark Crabtree when he took the job, and he won 179 games.)
“Really like your website and wondered if you’ve ever considered doing a print version of Press Pros? I’m sure a lot of people would enjoy the opportunity to buy it.” … Theresa Gomes
(Ed. Note: No. And you’re more sure than we are about enough people buying a printed version. Which is why the newspapers are facing extinction.)
“Despite what appeared in your March 23 Reader Speaks page about a – “commitment to amateur baseball, and that Ohio State sits atop of the food chain. That high schoolers can read about them, and “they can read about you” – I think that’s ‘BS’ and tell you that I and others don’t care about Ohio State baseball. I would rather see you spend your time covering deserving high school athletes in the spring, high school baseball, softball, and track, because that’s as far as a lot of kids will go, so you’re not helping them at all. If you want to do something, give them the satisfaction of getting a little of the time you spend covering Ohio State baseball.” … William Landis
(Ed. Note: There are a few things with your opinion that sparks comment, Bill, starting with…if you don’t like what you read start a website and write all the high school baseball, softball, and track you want. The second thing is to say that ‘high school sports is as far as a lot of these kids are going to go’ is a bit limiting, and perhaps reflects your own experience. And while that may be true, our message that you can play (baseball) at the next level if you’re realistic, and really want to play, needs to be emphasized. Our final point is that others do enjoy reading about Ohio State football, basketball, and baseball, and that this is a business and not a hobby. So for the present, this is how we roll, and we’ll wait to compare whatever alternative you provide.)
“I noticed at recent games you covered that you wear a mask, but you don’t wear it very well. Any particular reason?” … Bob Smith
(Ed. Note: You obviously overlooked the rest of my wardrobe. I don’t wear that particularly well, either.)

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