It took no time at all to reap the harvest of reader response after a long, wet weekend of OHSAA football tourney coverage. With appreciation for a lot of new voices, friends, and readers of the site, we’re happy to share your own thoughts about what you either did see…or weren’t allowed to see.
By Sunday night/early Monday morning this week the Press Pros mail box was jammed with responses from those who either enjoyed our coverage of this past weekend’s OHSAA football Finals…or to voice their displeasure over not being able to attend because of restricted fan attendance.
Some we chose not to use because as Slapshot broadcaster Jim Carr famously put it, “Failure to keep your comments within the bounds of good taste.” And some we edited for the sake of both your and our relationship with the Ohio Department of Health and Mike DeWine.
But mostly…we appreciated your recognition of us simply reporting what we saw.
“Best Press Pros coverage of the tournament ever. You guys tell things like it is.” … Daniel Forror
“I follow the MAC and high school football in your area on Press Pros and found it amazing how differently you reported the New Bremen-JFK game and the way the papers in Trumbull County reported it. That was a butt-kickin!” … David Bosio
“Amazing writing and photos of the tournament. You got a great staff, and I enjoy the Wednesday videos.” … Tom Killilea

“58 yards and 3 first downs is not just having an off day.”
“Read your account of the Kirtland-Ironton game and then the local story from Ironton. No comparison in the accuracy with how you described Kirtland’s dominance. 58 yards and 3 first downs is not just having an off day. You wrote it straight. Wish you would have covered Lake Catholic-Van Wert game, as well.” … Jonathan (Canal Fulton)
“Loved Hooley’s story of the Ironton-Kirtland game. You guys nailed it.” … Russ Massey
“Great read on the tournament. Thanks for always being honest.” … Debbie Parker (via Facebook)
“You write about the MAC like a football dynasty (doesn’t matter which team), because it is. That’s bound to piss off a bunch of trophy-seeking participation people, but tough is as tough does. There’s a reason why they call Massillon the ‘Paper Tigers.’ … Kevin Sweet (Wooster)
“I know you cover the MAC, but you’re not a homer. The only difference in what you wrote about Coldwater and and what you wrote about Springfield was the kid who kicked the field goal to win it for Coldwater at the end. Great job.” … Jason Early
“Press Pro articles are the absolute best! Thanks for your great coverage of all the MAC and other local schools.” … Linda Knapschaefer (Via Facebook)
“Someone should have brought a “Free Jerry” (Snodgrass) banner. His [trophy] presentation speeches are a lot better.” … Kenneth Husa
On our November 16 column about the parental ‘crisis’ of watching your children compete, we received these:

“I really enjoyed reading the Hoying article. Makes you appreciate the opportunity to be there and watch your kids, regardless of whether they win or lose.” … Jon Ellinger
“Great references to Mercer County and its family ties. Loved the Wally Post baseball card, too.” … Jack (Delphos)
“Bob Hoying is one of my all-time favorite Buckeyes. Interesting view of him now, watching the game and his own kids from the stands. Great job.” … Rob Courtney
Some wrote to share that their only recourse was to read about the tournament on Press Pros:
“I was a sales rep for 40 years and I know a line when I hear one. In an outdoor facility that size there’s no reason why 5,000 people couldn’t be allowed to watch.” … Ken Collier
“You’re the only outlet I’ve seen mention the picture of DeWine and the ‘I’m watching you reference’. No class, and respect for the event, the kids and their families.” … Eric Voskuhl
“DeWine is doing his best…his best to kill high school sports.” … David Waller
“Classic Ohio disappointments – the Bengals, Pete Rose, and Mike DeWine. He owes kids, families and schools an apology, and his resignation. Enjoy your site.” … Tom Vanderwaal (Via Facebook)
Photography is a big part of what we do on Press Pros, and someone took the time to ask….
“Love your pictures. How can I learn how to do that?” … Jas. Montgomery
(Ed. Note: You mortgage your house to buy equipment, then spend a lifetime practicing. And you’ll never get as good at it as you’d like to be.)

"Mortgage your house to buy equipment. Practice all your life. And you'll never get to be as good (photography) as you'd like to be." (Press Pros Feature Photos)