In the absence of sports altogether, does it change your perspective on your team, your coach, or the opportunity you used to have…and took it for granted?
This was to be the week of the boys state tournament in high school basketball.
This was to be the week when we would recognize a new girls state champion in high school basketball…from last week!
This was to be the week of March Madness – brackets, green beer, speculation over the Dayton Flyers, curiosity over the Ohio State Buckeyes…office pools with people who’ve never even seen a college basketball game.
Then, the coronavirus and it was all taken away.
Hysteria? Over-reaction? Only one entity knows, and He ain’t around to ask. One day we’ll know, but for now your guess is as good as mine. For now…let’s try not to make it political. It is what it is.
I had a lot of communication through email and texts over the weekend asking what Press Pro would do in the absence of games. No problem. We had a staff meeting Saturday and it was determined that there are more good story topics pertaining to what’s next…than there were good games. You’ll see that in the days to come.
Someone said in that meeting, “There’s no shortage of possibilities.”
Indeed. If someone’s willing to bring back Rick Pitino to coach basketball (Iona University) we know anything’s possible.
People wrote to say, ”It’s a shame that the kids’ season had to end this way. It’s not fair.”
Another added, “There’s nothing to look forward to – no NBA, no MLB, no NHL, not even The Masters.”

For the first time in my adult life it was March, it was Saturday, and no college basketball on TV.
Indeed. It is what it is. For the first time in my life this past weekend it was March…it was Saturday…and no basketball game on TV.
The most revealing comment of all was this: “It’s only been four days. I want the old days back.”
But do you miss it enough to admit that what you didn’t like about it before was so much better than not having sports at all? Can you admit that even the way it was it was better than ‘fair’…the age-old complaint of gripers and whiners?
Has it made you appreciate the opportunity to just compete…more than you dislike competitive balance?
Is the chance to play anyone in football or basketball…more important than the issue of ‘public’ versus ‘private’?
Does the current situation make you understand…that your son’s or daughter’s coach, the one you dislike so much, is less of an issue than no games at all?
If you’re one who preaches that there’s too much emphasis on sports…does it makes you realize that sports just might be the competitive element in education that makes Math and English and Science relevant? That if you don’t learn how to compete in basketball you might not know how to compete for a job, either?
Does it make you realize that if your son or daughter doesn’t learn how to be a good teammate…they may not be a good husband or wife someday, either?
Does it make you realize that if they don’t learn from the disappointment that comes with losing in basketball…they may never learn to handle the really big disappointments that come with being an adult?
Does it make you realize that ‘it’ was better they way it was…than sitting at home, unable to buy milk or toilet paper, and worrying about crowds and being tested?
Hey, I miss the old days, too. I miss last week. It was better than ‘fair’ – more important than your differences with a coach. It’s more important than having to play against someone who looks different, lives different, and whose faith is different from yours – someone who has more money.
What the last four days made me realize is…appreciate what you’ve got when you have it. Just ask Fort Loramie, Minster, Anna, Parkway, and Jackson Center.
All they wanted to do…was play.

Do you miss this? Of course, and more than our issues with 'fair', competitive balance, and issues of 'public' versus 'private'. (Press Pros File Photos)