Our Friday agenda includes three of opening weekend’s best games, plus up-to-the-minute coverage of scores as they happen. Carry Press Pros with you wherever you go tonight.
This does not happen without a ton of coordination. It’s opening night of the high school football season and one could not begin to know the amount of work it takes to get this website current before opening kickoff.
There’s the matter of appropriate artwork on all the pages…making sure the right ads are in rotation for sponsors…credentials…people…equipment…deadlines…and of course, is the system in place for Joe Neves to provide up-to-the-minute scores on the Wilson Sports Medicine ‘Minute To Minute’ scoreboard.
And by the way, the scoreboard is hardly new…but the technology is, and you’ll appreciate keeping up to the minute with scores around the area (and in some cases, around the state) as they happen. As for getting there, all you have to do is go to the front page (home page) click on the box on the right side of the page beside the ‘First Person’ interview, and you’ll find Joe’s diligence with posting the scores of about 60 area football games.
And while this marks Press Pros 10th anniversary this year, it also marks the ninth anniversary of Wilson Hospital’s Sports Medicine team sponsoring the scoreboard each Friday night. And what an evolution that’s been. When we started we relied individuals at the games keeping us up to date with about 20 games. Then Twitter made the process quicker, but not always so reliable. Now, we incorporate our own proprietary network of score reporting that gets the news to you about as fast as Joe can push the refresh button. If the internet’s working, you get it about as fast as it happens.
Our feature games for coverage this week include Covington @ St. Henry…Chaminade-Julienne @ Piqua…and Fort Loramie @ Minster.
In addition, it’s a busy weekend for high school volleyball, the Buckeyes debut with our Saturday report from Doug Harris…and next weekend we’ll travel with UD and the Flyers’ opening football game at Indiana State.
But it all starts tonight, thanks to about 70 different area sponsors and a staff of people who’d really rather be at a high school football game than anywhere else. Just like you.