Observations from new names reading Press Pros for the first time (and some old faithful) over fairness in paying taxes…”hired to be fired”…and media expertise in talent evaluation. Enjoy a good read from some of the loyalists.
We’re always delighted to hear from those who read and respond to our daily content, especially new readers. And given the time of year our recent post entitled ‘What Is Your Fair Share’ brought a lot of first-timers to this month’s Reader Speaks page. Some seemed to agree, and one, in particular, did not.
“Very surprised to read something this much to the point about the burden of paying taxes. I agree with many of your points, but to actually write it is another matter. You would NEVER read this in the the local paper. Well done.” … Robt. Stelmeyer
“I agreed with every word, of course.” … Chris Risner
“First time writer to Press pros, and if you will permit me the space, you got this absolutely right because he (Obama) ALWAYS spoke the term about people “not doing their fair share” and the mainstream media always gave him a pass by not demanding to know what he meant by ‘fair’. I really enjoy your site. Keep up the good work.” … David Waller
“Frequent reader, but this is my first time to write. As to your April 15 article on ‘fair share’ and paying taxes, I could not agree more. As Americans we’re taxed to death, and here’s the proof. The average working person pays nearly $11,000 annually in federal, state, and local income tax, but that’s just the beginning. Add in property taxes, highway taxes, gas tax, school tax, sales tax (a silent killer), licenses, FICA, inventory taxes (if you’re a retailer), and dozens of other hidden taxes and the percentage of what you pay really adds up. As a CPA I can tell you that it’s not unusual for people to pay about 74 cents on the dollar, actual taxes. That’s pretty sobering when they suggest you’re not paying your ‘fair share’.” … Tom Marko (Scottsdale, Az, U. of Illinois, ’72)
“I always thought Press Pros was a sports blog, then I find this article about “fair share” and paying taxes. Good journalism relies on fact, and you’re lacking in it. Also, the reference to your father is nice nostalgia, but little more. And the real message here is your obvious contempt for the former president, whom you obviously detest and use for a punching bag. My advice to you…in the future stick to sports.” … Robt. Jackson
(Ed. Note: Bobby, I’m delighted you wrote and opened this can of worms. Where to start? In the first place…check our masthead where it reads, ‘the best sports stories, and more’. Second, I went back to check for fact. No problem with that either. I reread that column and cannot find one thing about it that’s factually untrue. As to your issue about using the former president as a punching bag…not so much, except for the fact of his constantly apologizing for America – that and the issue of everyone that disciplines themselves to be financially independent needs to pay more taxes so as to…how is it? Redistribute the wealth? This from a man who never had an actual job in his life. Community organizer doesn’t count. But in fairness, it’s hard to appreciate nearly all the presidents we’ve had for one reason or another. Like all politicians, they do it now for power, leverage, and advantage, and when cornered they all throw around the phrase, “your fair share”, whether it’s ‘factual’, or not.)
Several took the time to weigh in on the media and its condemnation of NFL draft selections, like Giants (Duke) quarterback Daniel Jones:
“Excellent on what the media does and doesn’t know about Daniel Jones. How appropriate would it be if he’s really good and refuses to talk to any of them?” … Doak Ewing
“The network makes it a soap opera (ESPN). It’s a total bore after the first round and the league’s full of players picked three through six that have better careers.” … Tom Killilea
And finally, from afar this note on our interview with Lance Schneider and what the community expects from coaches.
“I laughed out loud when I read Schneider’s remark about a ‘locker room statement, only I wrote it down’. The same people who fire coaches are just as guilty for comments they make about others (co-workers, bosses, and family) around the kitchen table. We’re all the same for what comes out of our hearts and mouths, and yet we choose to fire teachers and coaches for the same ‘mistakes’ we all make every day.” … Ryan Karas (Lexington, Ky, formerly of Dayton)