Since our last post of reader comments we’ve had the largest increase yet of response to recent articles. Thanks to all who have participated, but to quote TV personality Jim Carr (from Slapshot)…a reminder to keep your comments in good tastes (chuckle). Here’s some of the latest, and best.
We wondered if our Oct. 23rd column on Wally Wagner’s chicken salad wouldn’t stir a few souls, and apparently we were right. Apparently, we weren’t the first to find out:
“Fun article. Nice job, Press Pros.” … Becky Niekamp (via Facebook)
“Great article, and I agree, their chicken salad is the best.” … Connie Miering

Who knew…that a story about Wally Wagner’s chicken salad would be so popular?
“OK, I read the story and was so intrigued that I drove down to Minster to try it for myself. I found a wonderful store, great people, and you were right about the chicken salad. Very tasty.” … Don from Wapakoneta
“The best thing about this story is your taking the time to highlight one of your sponsors so positively. A very enjoyable read. Well done.” … Brenda Boeke
“Wonderful article! I love the Wagner stores and their chicken salad is a big hit with friends and family who don’t live in the area.” … Kathy Butt (Via Facebook)
“Thanks for doing this. I went for myself to check it out and loved the Wagner store.” … Mike Schelle
The second-most commented on post from the past month was our October 23rd column on the future of Friday night football at a high school near you. Some liked it, and one did not…..
“Great read and time for Ohio to promote seven or eight man football for schools like those mentioned in your story. Football is still a great game and teaches great life lessons with three less players on the field.” … Mike Disch (Arlington, Oh)
“I would add football has been hurt by too much emphasis on youth football, burnout, and too many adults coaching and living vicariously through the kids. Too much pressure to win, and too much like a job. And when they get to high school they have to commit to it year-round or they don’t play. Kids say they feel trapped by football. It’s not fun. They’d rather have a real job that pays more positive dividends, like cash.” … Brian McCurdy (Westerville)
“Football was never a game for everyone in the first place. When I played high school football we had 29 boys on the team. No one seemed to care then so what’s the big deal now?” … Dan Thompson
(Ed. Note: It’s true that schools have always played with 30 boys or less, but I’m also guessing that when you played the linebackers didn’t weight 225 pounds and didn’t run the 40 yard dash in 4.5 seconds. Now, that’s a big deal.)
“Negative story and fake news. Press Pros Magazine can go to h—.” … Gary Locey
“I enjoyed your story, and you said was that football now needs boys more than boys need football. That may be so, but they need something better than cell phones and Play Station.” … Alex (Lewisburg)
“My girlfriend never yelled at me back then. Now, she yells at me all the time. Great line, great read.” … Tom Killilea (Columbus)
More than one texted, or emailed their appreciation for Greg Hoard’s encore story on how he finally met hall of famer Stan Musial. But this one was the best:
“I loved the Stan Musial story, and imagine how surprised I was to find it had a urology twist to it. Truly, there comes an age when none of us are “Stan The Man” anymore. I had a good laugh.” … Dr. John Lamka
And finally, appreciation for the efforts of former game warden, Dan Hickey, and his wetland project (Oct. 7…Build It, And They Will Come):
“Awesome story. Love this man’s honest commitment to the environment, to natural resources and wildlife. Bravo, Dan Hickey.” … Tom Cappell (Jefferson City, Mo)