Two topics have dominated recent letters (emails) to the Press Pros site. Reader views on ‘psychics’, and response to Greg Hoard’s recent post about the National Football League. If you’re never been surprised at what you read in this column, you might be now.
Ten days ago, when I wrote about the deaths of my uncle, Ross Fulks, and Press Pros outdoor columnist Jim Morris, I hardly expected to hear from so many that wrote to share their own experience over the loss of friends and family.
There were kind letters of condolence, particularly for Jim Morris, because he was such a popular figure among area people who loved to fish.
But there were more – many more, in fact – who contacted us in reference to the psychic I wrote about from Columbus, now living in Nashville, and shared their own experience with having their future predicted, and opinions about ‘providence’.
“I want to thank you for telling your story because it’s so much like my own experience. My sister-in-law has always had the ability to see the future and she’s helped me understand that life’s events are inevitable, and while the people we love are bound to move on, their spirit remains forever.” … Roberta Clawson
“It’s interesting that you mentioned witchcraft and the Bible in the same context. I’ve never read, or heard of that before. I’ve never thought about it, but I suppose it’s possible for some with the ‘gift’ to see providence as others can’t. Very interesting read. First time reader from Dayton.” … Don
“An interesting thought about angels and divine intervention, but it’s not Biblical, and if you want my personal opinion…it’s blasphemy. Disappointed in Press Pros for posting this.” … David Waller
“I’ve always believed in angels and appreciate your experience of having someone point out their existence in your life. I also grew up with people telling me that fortune tellers were tricksters and the work of the devil. But I know that there are people with special gifts, as the Bible states (Corinthians 12:10) – “To some the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits.” I was very surprised to read this, and thank you for sharing.” … Mike (Phillipsburg)
“I have had a relationship with a psychic for years, and will tell you that this person has helped me understand not what’s going to happen, but why things have already happened that were hard to understand. Those that have the true gift probably are angels, as you wrote about.” … Brad (Columbus)
“A good psychic is better than a good psychologist. I’ve tried them both.” … Kim Gallagher
“Thanks for writing, and sharing your story from a Biblical slant. I’ve never thought about psychics from that point of view.” … Doug Harris
“Those that truly have the gift are to be treasured, because I’ve been helped so many times in my life by a friend who has that true gift. It’s actually taken a lot of worry out of my life and given me peace. Really wonderful article.” … Anne Davis
“The best gift of all, as you wrote, is the understanding that there are events in life that we cannot control. Knowing that from the beginning is God’s way of helping us cope. True believers, and those with the true gift of knowing, understand that. That’s the kind of person who helped you. I really enjoyed reading this.” … Denise (Huntington, W. Va.)
After opening Sunday of the NFL season, colleague Greg Hoard wrote about his own view of the NFL experience, which seemed to find support from a lot of Press Pros readers. Here a couple:
“Amen on the NFL. They lost me at the first kneel-down. It seems only fitting that the arrogance of their sportswear counterpart might go down with them!” … Char Henkaline
“I’ve always enjoyed reading Greg Hoard on Press Pros, but this was one of his best. Two things he wrote: “The NFL is so loud, so full of itself, so quick to tell us it is the most popular game in the nation, perhaps the world.” I couldn’t agree more, like a relative that comes to dinner and brags about how much money he makes. And: “The beauty of the game is obscured by its noise. The grace that was Gayle Sayers is gone. The quiet strength and dignity that was Jim Brown is no more. Now it’s no-name special teams players wagging and bragging after a single tackle in the midst of a losing effort.” This is nothing but truth but no one else dares say it. Thank you Greg Hoard, for having the spine to preach to the choir.” … Joe Bookwalter
(Ed. Note: The funny part…Greg always worries that someone will think he’s a cranky old man that yells at kids for playing in his yard when he writes opinions like this. But to me the most ominous phrase was, “I just got tired (of it). I think a lot of us have.)
“If we took the names and numbers off the jerseys I wonder if players would act like they do? Without recognition of some kind we’re all just nameless, faceless people. Television and too much attention makes us all act like fools. Something to think about.” … Tim Johnson