It took five weeks and some Texas ‘crawdaddin’, but Cowboys owner Jerry Jones finally put his foot down Sunday. You either stand for the National Anthem, or you don’t play for the Cowboys!
As good as the finish was to the Cowboys-Packers game was on Sunday – and it proved that high school football teams aren’t the only ones still learning how to win football games – it was the headlines made after the game that might have made the most splash in Dallas, and around the league.
It was reported in Monday’s Fort Worth Star-Telegraph (and since, in other outlets), that Cowboys owner Jerry Jones finally broke ranks with the rest of NFL ownership and put his foot down over the issue of whether players stand for the National Anthem, or not.
Said Jones to reporters, ““If there is anything disrespecting of the flag, then he will not play. Period. We’re going to respect the flag, and I’m going to create the perception of it.”