It’s the perfect example of why you dream big, and take field trips. Ask Arcanum’s Franchesca Hackworth; because you never know what might happen if you do.
If you’ve ever doubted the value of role models.
If you’ve ever doubted the value in field trips and job shadowing.
If you’ve ever doubted the value of having a dream, and then pursuing it.
Well, if you have then you should really appreciate the story of Arcanum senior Franchesca Hackworth, this year’s winner of the Hal McCoy Scholarship Award for study in the field of journalism and communication.
Hackworth, who graduated last week from Arcanum High School, was awarded funding in the amount of $2,500 by Press Pros Friday morning to study communications and journalism this fall at The University of Dayton. And the irony of her being chosen makes for a great story.

“I job shadowed at the Dayton Daily News when I was in the eighth grade, and I think I met Hal McCoy. I was impressed by what I saw and decided I’d like to pursue a career in journalism and communications.” – Franchesca Hackworth
“I’m very excited to have won this,” said Franchesca. “Because, when I was in the eighth grade I job shadowed for a day at the Dayton Daily News, and I think I met Hal McCoy during that experience. I was very impressed by what I saw because I like writing, so then and there I decided I’d like to pursue a career in journalism and communications.”
Friday morning, her dream took a positive turn, and one that was totally unexpected. Hers was one of the late applications received before the April deadline.
“Franchesca is a really great recipient. Great student, great family, and someone that will really work hard once she gets to Dayton,” said Arcanum principal Jason Stephan. “This is a good day for Arcanum schools.”
And a great day for the legacy of baseball in Arcanum, as school personnel were delighted to have Hal McCoy on hand to make the presentation personally. Baseball is very popular in Arcanum, and John Stephens, the district’s superintendent, is a former player at Arcanum and Bluffton College.
“It’s always an honor when Hal stops by,” said Stephens. “We’re very appreciative.”
The facilitating sponsor of the Hal McCoy Award is the Unity National Bank in Piqua, Troy, and Tipp City, and is given annually to a student who wants to pursue writing, communications, journalism, or language arts study as a career path.
“I’m honored to lend my name to such a worthy endeavor by Press Pros,” says McCoy. “There was nothing like this available when I was a journalism student at Kent State back then, and it would have sure come in handy.”
And if you DO believe in omens, Franchesca Hackworth’s future sure took an upturn by submitting her application to Press Pros.
Yours can, too, if you’re a graduating senior…next year!

Hackworth (center), with Hal McCoy (left) and Press Pros publisher Sonny Fulks, will attend the University of Dayton this fall to pursue a degree in communications. (Press Pros Feature Photos by Julie McMaken Wright)