The latest from those moved to comment on recent content on Press Pros – in particular, thoughts on “winning at all costs”, Un-American Airlines, and remembering Jim Hardman.
Our recent column on the OHSAA’s Inside-Out initiative to bring proper perspective to winning brought a tremendous response, ranging from outright approval, some disapproval, and some from those who believe in leaving well enough alone. It also apparently sparked a lot of discussion on social media, as a significant number shared the link. Thus, we’ve heard from people well outside the area on Facebook, Twitter, and of course, emails to Press Pros. Here are some samples:
“With all due respect, I think you might be missing the point of the OHSAA’s message. I’ve been a high school cross country and track coach for 25 years, and some of my most successful coaching experiences through the years haven’t been about the outcome or the wins, but about the process and developing student athletes to be mindful, purposeful adults. Losing teaches us humility, patience, and most importantly, resiliency. This is what I feel is at the heart of the OHSAA’s message.” … Ann (via Facebook)
(Ed. Note: If that’s true, it’s odd that we don’t have halls of fame for the hunble, the patient, and the resilient. Don’t you think?)
“Thank you for writing on this subject. Winning has become unpopular because if someone wins someone else has to lose, and because of our commitment to being ‘nice’ we can’t stand to have someone’s feelings hurt. But you have correctly identified winning as a positive mindset that pays dividends for life. Well said.” … Jack Bond
“The local school district is raising money to help pay for new scoreboards. If winning is such a bad thing…do we even need them?” … David Waller
“I played on winning football teams, basketball teams, and baseball teams in high school and a very high percentage of my teammates have gone on to have successful careers as adults. I’ll also add that some were anything but good students. They just learned to be successful through the habit of winning they got from sports. Maybe we should leave well enough alone.” … Fran Mallo
“I’m not surprised that you’ve again written to push the ego-driven attitude that winning is a cure-all, or that you’re better than me because you won. Winning means doing your best, regardless of the outcome. And in particular it means overcoming obstacles other than a final score. Winning also means taking the time to show concern and compassion for others, without running them over, intimidation, or the “gamesmanship” you write about to gain an advantage. Winning means that you’re ultimately happy with yourself, not what’s written about for the sake of recognition.” … Syl
(Ed. Note: I cannot disagree with the perspective that doing your best matters – because not everyone is built with the same competitive advantage. But if life is a competitive journey how else do you attain that which is vital to one’s success if you don’t set out to “win”? How do you get the school you want? How do you get the job you want? How do you get the promotion, the raise, and the life you want without setting goals and achieving them? That’s winning. And someone achieved those goals along the way for you to enjoy the standard by which you presently live. So you’re right…winning does manifest itself in many forms.)
“I’ve owned my own company for 25 years, I’ve interviewed hundreds of applicants during that time. I always look for competitive experience in high school and college – if they won league titles, tournament titles, or were recognized for individual honors. It matters for the sake of leadership, and in every case it’s made ours a better company when we hire those people.” … Peter Cecutti (via Facebook)
“We’ve gotten to where we are by winning, first in the American Revolution, and then against the rest of the world to maintain the freedom to become what we can each become. Why change now?” … Joe Bookwalter
“We don’t even try to win wars now. How sad.” … Tim Trostel
Apparently a lot of you have had similar bad airline experiences, as described in our February column, “Un-American Airlines”.
“Airline travel is the worst service offered by anyone in business. And your story is the perfect example of why.” … Craig Heiser
“They really don’t care, and that’s what makes me so furious every time I buy a ticket. And they think you’re so stupid that you’ll accept a hundred dollars to forget. Just discovered Press Pros Magazine. Well done.” … Troy Paulsen
Finally, our tribute to the baseball Hardmans, Jim and Chris, was warmly received and appreciated:
“Didn’t know Coach Hardman, but your story is typical of those like him who made a difference in the lives of young people. Great.” … Jeff Ballard
“Thanks for remembering and writing about your coach and the way people like him relate to the impressionable wherever they go. Thanks for a great read.” … David Dyles
“Your post was sent to me about Adam Moreau and the Hardmans. Great article that well worth the time to read. Good people, and a good story.” … Jack Davis (BG ’69, UD ’74)
“I’m so glad you write with so much passion about baseball and baseball people. I’ve had more fun playing and watching than I’ve deserved. Thank you again for doing it.” … Jerry Schneider