With high school football in the rear-view mirror, we share some of the best (?) responses received from the past month of Press Pros content. Happy holidays to you. And a little “Festivus” … for the rest of us!
Any time you post a column about an all-star team, an all-league team, or an all-impact team, as we did recently, you run the risk of being slashed because you left someone out. To those who’ve written since our November 16 post (“Bakers Dozen) we remind you that it was an opinion shared based on that which we personally observed, as we clearly stated. And if you’ll read…when you limit the field you run out of spots quickly.
To wit:
“Your list of impactful players does not mention many who were just as deserving, but didn’t play for a school in the Midwest Athletic Conference (MAC). If you ever paid attention to schools other than those that play for state titles you’d know that. Shameful.” … I Will No Longer Read Press Pros
(Ed. Note: Sadly, when you did read you didn’t read that closely. Josh Browder (Troy), Allen Schrubb (Piqua), Cole Barhorst (Tipp), Lance Miller (Covington), Hayden Kotwica (Troy), and Isaiah Bowser (Sidney) do not play in the MAC. And none of their schools won a state title.)
What’s Left To Rank? (Press Pros Column from November 13)….
“I especially liked your recent story on football food and where to eat (What’s Left To Rank?). One, you make a great point that everything in sports is over-analyzed. But where food’s concerned what’s to debate? Everybody likes good food. I’m only disappointed because I could have helped you with your list. LOL.” … Tony Rank
(Ed. Note: Send me your contact information and you’re on for next year.)
“Your story on places to eat was fun to read, right down to which school has the best popcorn. I love your website.” … Julie Hepner
“You’ve never lived if you haven’t eaten Chunky Bob’s pizza at Keyhole…or listened to his jokes.” … Mike (Sidney)
On what to be thankful for (November 24, 2016)….
“Sonny, your list of things to be thankful for was a revealing commentary on the country. And thank you for reminding us all that what’s good for America first is good for every American. An interesting take on things.” … Tom Killilea
“In your list of things to be thankful for you wrote: 1) If you have more than a thousand dollars in the bank or in a retirement account, you’re better off than 60% of Americans. 2) If you have a car, regardless of age, that you own free and clear…you’re better off than 70% of Americans. 3) If you own your own home, free and clear, you’re better off than 80% of Americans. Superb!” … Joe Bookwalter
“You wrote some things that paint a not-so-pretty picture of Americans, but I’ve always tried to make good decisions for myself and family. I have great parents to thank for that, AND I AM THANKFUL. Very good points you made.” … Terry Dye
On remembering Lou (The Toe) Groza (Nov. 30, 2016)…
“I want to personally thank you for taking the time to remember Browns great Lou Groza. Your story was shared with me through Facebook and I will say that you could not have picked a better human being to memorialize. My father and Lou were friends for years and everyone remembers him as a great Brown, but an even better person and community member.” … Thos. Boechler (Elyria)
“Outside of Jim Brown Lou Groza was the greatest Brown of all-time, and the favorite of every Browns fan. Great story.” … James Rosovich
It didn’t take long to hear from those from northeast Ohio who want the Ohio football finals to return to Canton:
“I watched the games in Columbus on TV and saw a lot of empty seats.” … Jasper Calderone (Youngstown)
“I would be interested to see the OHSAA’s profit/loss statement comparing OSU and Canton. All things being equal it has to be more profitable in Canton.” … Richard Donovan
“Thank you for mentioning that local businesses go out of their way here to be great hosts. High school football in Stark County is the biggest game in town. It is a championship environment! … Greg Trentor
Finally, (If Urban Meyer Had Thrown A Headset…Would It Have Matter?) brought this familiar response:
“Once again your preoccupation with winning at all costs drives the stake of divisiveness between people. One should not think of people as “losers” simply because they don’t exhibit the kind of “passion” you admire as a component for winning. And, there are just as many horror stories about coaches and negative impact as there are positive. We’ve all been there. Just because Urban Meyer does it, or Jim Harbaugh does it, doesn’t make it right for everyone. I would encourage you again to tell all of the story and not just the part that’s editorially convenient.” … Syl
(Ed. Note: First, my dear, let’s deal with being editorially convenient. No one said that you were a loser if you don’t have passion to win…in those words. But you figure it out…why so many former players do credit their coaches for shaping their lives in a competitive, successful manner. And then do the math and explain why so many of those individuals turn out to be leaders in our schools, our communities, and our country. Then explain the difference in those who get knocked down in life and whine that life isn’t fair – while others get back on their feet again, get better, and often credit their experience with a coach that taught them that there really is no other way. And you’re right when you say…it isn’t right for everyone.)

On average Columbus drew about 8,000 per game (announced attendance) for last weekend's OHSAA football championships. (Press Pros File Photos)