Too many, and too many good ones (letters) to put off sharing. The very best from readers on recent Press Posts…”Chief Wahoo”, too much football, and yes, “Hamilton”. Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up.
Occasionally the volume of response gets so large that you risk overlooking some of the best if you wait to post the next “Reader Speaks” column.
Such as it is this week, just ten days removed from the second “RS” post from the month of October.
For instance, Hal McCoy’s rebuke of those offended by sports mascots, like Cleveland’s “Chief Wahoo”, brought down the house:
“When I think of the Notre Dame leprechaun, Hal, I think of Lucky Charms. When I look at Chief Wahoo I think of the negatives it suggests regarding the American Indian. They’ve suffered enough and I can’t believe that this is OK just because it’s baseball.” … Denise Schilling
“Thanks Hal, for sharing a sensible and professional’s view of sports logos and what they mean. If caricatures are to be outlawed, how can we allow fat people to be parodied on cartoons like American Dad? And do you think Homer Simpson isn’t offensive to idiots? Get a life, people.” … Tom Jerrell (Portsmouth)
“They call it conforming to a better, more polite society. What it amounts to is a whining society prospecting for lawsuits and cash settlements.” … Brad Killilea (Columbus)
“I’m offended every day by some kid wearing his pants down so I can see his butt, or piercings that look like mutilation of body parts. I read about refugees who come to America and demand that their neighbors take down their Christmas decorations because they’re offensive to their native culture. We live with a government that refuses to indict criminals that pose as presidential candidates. And we think that “Chief Wahoo” is a problem? C’mon, man.” … Joe B
Our tongue-in-cheek blog on the musical “Hamilton” hooked a lot of people. Here’s a sample:
“Disappointing that you view the arts in such a narrow perspective, or is it just about the money. It seems like that’s all you care about.” … Syl
“Where to start? Honest. Predictable. Agree that people who can’t sing, shouldn’t. Agree that no ticket is worth $800. Was surprised to hear that Hamilton was on the ten dollar bill. I always thought he ‘was’ on the $100!” … Neal (Richmond)
“I assume there’s no plaque or bronze of you outside the school of music at Ohio State.” … James Manning
“Can’t agree with you totally. I wouldn’t mind someone walking up on a street corner and singing ‘Oklahoma’, but I draw the line at ‘My Fair Lady’. Very, very funny.” … Tom (Illini Baseball, ’72)
“I wouldn’t pay $800 to see it if Jesus himself played the lead. Nor would I pay $800 to see the World Series.” … Greg Motter
“I agree with you. All your reasons are my own. I love all music, don’t get me wrong, but not everyone can sing. You made me laugh.” … Debbie Parker
“Mr. Fulks…I have just poured over your article. Interesting take on the American tradition of musical theatre. Where else could cats sing, boots get kinky, or Alexander Hamilton get funked-up with hip-hop? My dear old mother played gospel, spirituals and musical theater songs throughout my childhood on an old RCA turntable. And at the conclusion of your article you mention some of your favorite singers…Sinatra, Elton, George Jones and Ray Charles. Ray Charles’ favorite music was Broadway. Have a listen. All my best.” … Matthew Fairchild, Actor (New York City, member of the Screen Actors Guild)
(Ed. Note: Thanks Matt. Ray Charles could make the death roster from Normandy sound good.)
“What kind of scotch? It matters.” … Ray Perdue
And last weekend’s blog on “Cold, Hard Football” talk was bound to bring mail:
“I cannot disagree with you that the high school playoffs are too long, but what sports season isn’t? Why? Money!” … Harold Steinke
“There has always been different opinions from different generations on what’s best for kids. You make a good point. Is more football best for kids, or the adults?” … Megan Richards
“Frankly it would be nice to plan sports around the family instead of planning the family around sports. Thank you for even mentioning that.” … Stephanie Short
“If you cut back football season aren’t you biting the hand that feeds things like Press Pros Magazine?” … Brad Barker
(Ed. Note: Perhaps, but wouldn’t you agree that we could all benefit from eating less?)