Letters (emails) from a lot of first-time readers populate this month’s page, with comments on Vin Scully, and support for the notion that nothing good really does happen after midnight…and hard work and commitment seems to trump many of our social issues!
Our Ohio State baseball beat writer, Greg Hoard, has spent a lot of his life rubbing elbows with some of the greatest names in baseball during his time covering the Cincinnati Reds. His recent column on Vin Scully found a very fond audience:
“They say that nothing good lasts forever, but in the case of Vin Scully I wish there could be an exception. Thanks for that great story. Well done.” … Ken Ramsey
“There’s nothing I like better on your site than Mr. Hoard’s stories about classic names in baseball and Vin Scully was one of the best.” … Tom Littlejohn
“Sadly, there will never be a replacement for Vin Scully when he’s gone, like Ruth, Gehrig, Cobb, and the other immortals in the game. That’s how special he is.” … Chuck (Greenview, In)
Last week’s blog on what moms and dads don’t tell their kids anymore brought a huge, and nostalgic, response:
“Man, your story brought back a lot of memories. My dad never let me out of the house at night without telling me, “Nothing good ever happens after midnight.” Thanks for sharing that story.” … Richard Klatte
“My dad used to say that nothing good ever happened after dark, period. At least you got a few extra hours…LOL. Great story.” … Terry Donnelly
“A lot of the parents who should be home giving advice to their kids are the ones out at night doing the same things we used to tell the kids not to. That’s the difference in now and back then.” … Jack Riess
“My dad was a locksmith and if you weren’t home by a certain time he’d change the locks. Hard to forget that.” … Gene James
Ray Adams is a faithful reader of the site who often takes time to write about the hunting and fishing stories we post.
“The story you did about squirrel hunting with your dad was really good. I always enjoy those kinds of stories and the fishing information from Jim Morris. I hope you never quit.” … Ray
(Ed. Note: You can count on it Ray. Jim Morris has enough material to run everyday if we could.)
By far, the recent features on athletes and political protest brought at least one emotional response from a favorite contributor:
“You couldn’t be more wrong when you say that social injustice in America is a personal choice. That’s just ridiculous and I wish you’d refrain from opinions that make no sense.” … Syl
(Ed. Note: Is it similarly ridiculous to you then when minorities achieve great personal success through education, work, investment, commitment, and patience in the system to work for them? With due respect to your objection, what seems ridiculous is our continuing to throw money at the problem – yours and mine – along with more rhetoric and guilt at those made to feel that we’re not doing enough to help those content with not helping themselves. What I’m reminded of, is…where there’s a will there’s a way?)
“You made some great points about white athletes speaking out on behalf of social injustice. But it must be a problem beyond sports because you don’t see other successful black Americans speaking up, either. Does hard work and sacrifice trump injustice? Even in the NFL?” … Joe B
And finally, words on the Friday night lights we work so hard to present before Saturday sunup:
“Because I live out of the area now I appreciate the work you do to cover familiar teams and names playing high school football back home. You do a great job. Congratulations, and thank you.” … Chuck Sergent
“I really love your coverage of high school football, and especially the photos you post on Press Pros. Well done.” … JJ McAfee
“Thanks for all the great coverage of MAC football on Press Pros. You guys are the best.” … Jack Huber

"I really love your coverage of high school football, and especially the photos you post on Press Pros. Well done." ... JJ McAfee