Never has there been wider participation, or a wider disparity in views on recent topics on Press Pros. Our June edition of comments sent from readers near and far.
Continuing on the topic of horrible spring weather and moving baseball/softball play to later in the season, readers continue to share their opinions:
“Let me be the first to say that the tail does not wag the dog. Yours is a passionate argument but it’s about too much for the benefit of too few. Drop it.” … Doug Martin
“I cannot see the reason for increased cost, supervision, and moving of school schedules to make playing non-revenue sports more comfortable. How can you?” … Bob Schneider
(Ed. Note: Because, I guess, I can’t resist waxing upon the ironic statements from those when they say things like “we’re doing this for the kids.” Ya’ know?)
“There is a perfect solution to the issue of playing summer baseball. If you had year-round school you could justify a schedule where you could play summer baseball as a matter of sports in season. I won’t be here to see it, but one day it might happen.” … Ben (Hamilton, Oh)
“There is no answer to this question, but I applaud you for bringing it to the attention of administrators, and hopefully, the OHSAA. I can’t always agree with you, but it does seem on this issue that there’s simply no reason for anyone to seek a solution.” … Wallace Massey
On our coverage of Big Ten baseball and Ohio State’s whirlwind finish at the Big Ten tourney, this was received:
“I enjoyed your coverage of the Buckeyes in Omaha. While I agree the number of games in 24 hours is a tad asinine, I would also venture to say that is where the memories are made. Some of my best memories of youth baseball tournaments are watching kids play through the losers bracket to win one of the many summer youth tournaments. It is great baseball and it is what separates the sport from others.” … Wes Farno
On our May 23 column about congressional candidate Warren Davidson, we received the following:
“Pure fluff. Another beach ball tossed to the conservative cause.” … Eric Short
“Your story on Mr. Davidson was very good and enlightening. I did not know the man, or even of his candidacy. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.” … Joy Hessmon
“Of all the media yours was the story that gave the most substance about Warren Davidson. Good job.” … James Smith
“He would get my vote because he says he wasn’t a very good high school wrestler. How will they stand that kind of honesty in Congress?” … Joe B (Siesta Key)
Our May 19th blog on the baseball fight between the Toronto Blue Jays and the Texas Rangers became a passionate topic for at least this writer:
“I’m astounded by your words and disappointed again that you think a baseball fight should be an accepted part of the game. You said, ‘And why would we care, anyway? If someone gets hurt they know that they’re the ones ultimately responsible.’ That’s inexcusable as a statement regarding sportsmanship and adult attitudes that young athletes will read and imitate. I would hope that you reconsider, and admit that old attitudes aren’t better because you believe it’s so. Irresponsible.” … Syl
(Ed. Note: My dear Syl, I’m told by some that I too often have the last word in matters of disagreement, but I’ll attempt to soothe your contempt with this. The current rule in baseball regarding throwing at hitters, and fights, was instituted forty years ago- that being, a warning of both benches and subsequent ejection for the next retaliation. And since that time there has actually been an escalation of such incidents because the players union has almost always muffled discipline as set down by major league baseball. Despite the best efforts for mandated sportsmanship, nothing has changed! Back in the days before big contracts, as stated in the article, the players policed themselves on the field through a universally-accepted code of conduct known from team to team. Veterans taught the young players and consequences were swift and sure if the code was violated. And when it was over, it was over, as compared to what we see in this day of feuds being carried over from one season to the next, as was the case between the Toronto Blue Jays and the Texas Rangers. As to why we should care? I guess we could, but these are professionals, men playing a game for stakes far higher than that of amateur baseball. No societal outcry is going to change the passions of grown men playing a boys game with so much in terms of career and financial gain on the line. It’s that way in every walk of life, and I sincerely doubt if that ever changes. That being the case, I’m willing to let them handle their own matters.)
Finally, the state baseball tournament was played just last week, but the appreciation for Hal McCoy’s participation in writing about it has been swift, and positive:
“Mr. McCoy, the article about grass roots baseball was one of the best things I’ve ever read. I’ve shared that with a number of friends. And I could not help but detect the enjoyment and appreciation that must be missing when you write about the Reds. Well done.” … Joe Donnelly
“What a kick to read Hal McCoy writing about the state tournament. As always, your coverage was outstanding, but Hal made it something even better.” … Tom Lovejoy, Jr. (East Liverpool)